
Saturday, January 29, 2011

The Key to Being a Successful Entrepreneur

There is one element that determines whether an entrepreneur will be successful at their endeavors or doomed to self-defeating mistakes. Call it a defining characteristic if you will, of the very most successful business men and women. That defining characteristic is Vision. Vision! It is the most powerful characteristic of a successful person. It comes only when two very important questions are truthfully answered.... why? and where? The 'why' is the ultimate motivator because it gives purpose and drive while the 'where' determines direction. These are the ingredients of vision! With it you realize it is far above and beyond just fulfilling your own desires. You develop a purpose that transcends the day-to-day stuff and get rich quick schemes. This is when you begin to get real momentum building in the direction of your goals. That's when individuals who interact with you come away "feeling something".  Some will tell you about it, other won't but you will see and feel it in the way they interact with you. At this stage you are in the process of cultivating the kind of environment that produces successful people.

I see a number of people enter our industry with a single issue on their mind and a single issue only.... Money.  I also see a lot of those people not producing the success they want for themselves simply because as soon as their expectations aren't realized right away... they quit. This happens because they lack vision. There isn't anything of true energy driving them, no strong 'why' to fall back on. They're being driven only by incomplete images of achievement, and illusions of how their lives could be just like "X person" if only they had money. Think about it, even if all of us had a few million dollars in the bank right this moment... we'd still be exactly who we are. What drives us will still be driving us to whatever direction we were heading even when there are extra bells and whistles to mask it. They think their problems will all go away solely  because they have money, that suddenly life would magically transform simply because they've hit a goal in  their head of a particular amount of numbers on the monitor when they check their bank accounts.

 There is really a good reason that 80% of all of the folks who's won the lottery, coming across large sums of money quickly tend to be more MISERABLE and out of cash five years from the day they were given that money. Are you aware the statistics had been that high?  Think about that for a second...80% of all of the individuals who won the lottery, having been interviewed five years afterwards, were as broke and also more unhappy than they were prior to winning! Astonishing only to those who hasn't realized that wealth does not equal just money, that money is only a component of wealth.

Genuine wealth building must begin another way. It is an internal development that allows you to generate an environment around you in which money becomes the by-product. Wealth will comes when  your attitudes, ideas, emotions, heart, thoughts, body and spirit are in alignment with a genuine abundance of kindness, empathy,  sharing, wisdom, and love. Love of self first because without that there will be no love of others, love of purpose...... or vision. You must create that wealth first. Once you've done this, you would have built yourself the strong and solid foundation necessary to weather the storms that will come as you build your business and create the success that only you can envision.  In fact, the one thing which could stop you is if you did the unthinkable and quit.  Never quit, seek knowledge, implement what you've learned then repeat this throughout your life. Live to Learn and you will Learn how to Live!

The Driven Networker

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